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ref: R3443827


Area: 319 m²

Om fastigheten

BASEMENT / STORE / GARAGE of 319m2 This property is located in the heart of the busy neighborhood of Miraflores, in Marbella center. It is located on Los Niños street, perpendicular to Avenida el Trapriche. The property has a comfortable access ramp and has a manual door that also allows the pedestrian exit and of course vehicles, in total the area is 319 m2, allowing this store many uses, both as a basement or public or private garage . Currently owners use it as a garage, due to the residential density of the area, in this property could be a garage for the residents of the area as it is not easy to park there and could be built at least 11 space garage with their respective storage rooms. Another option, the property has the possibility of including an elevator to service the current building that is just above it, which could be another option for the residents of that building as a private garage. The basement has many possibilities but above all as a warehouse for all types of products and because it is not reformed (with hardly any dividing walls) could be adapted for almost any use, either as storage, etc ... It would be an ideal location to build many storage rooms of all sizes to rent for days or months. The price is 199,900



Irina Bozianu

+34 722 462 791
Språk: rumänska│engelska│ryska│spanska│franska
-Random agent that belong to this office


    • Town
    • North facing
    • Parkering med tak i föreningen

    Kontakta oss för exakt position

      Lånekalkylator: Beräkna månadskostnaden för ett hypotekslån från en spansk bank

      Månadskostnad för lånet*

      € / månad

      * Skatt, rättegångskostnader och remortgage tillkommer


      Begärt pris:
