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Cañete la Real, Canete la Real

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ref: R4379242

Cañete la Real, Canete la Real

Tomt: 18000 m²

Om fastigheten

Rural land of 1.8 ha. It is located in Cañete La Real, about 25 minutes from Ronda and Campillos and approximately one hour from the Costa del Sol. It has very good access as it borders the road. The land is planted with Pistachio trees, currently highly valued. The trees are young in full production. It has underground drip irrigation with a water tank with a capacity of 18,000 liters with water from a large spring that always has water even in summer, it is located about 200m from the land with authorization for its use The land is also satisfactory for installing a solar farm thanks to its southerly direction. It is eligible for CAP subsidies.



Linda Serneholt

+34 951 560 933
Språk: svenska, engelska
-No agents for office Canete la Real -No name go to default


    • Village
    • North facing
    • East facing
    • Söderläge
    • Västläge
    • Landsvy

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      Lånekalkylator: Beräkna månadskostnaden för ett hypotekslån från en spansk bank

      Månadskostnad för lånet*

      € / månad

      * Skatt, rättegångskostnader och remortgage tillkommer


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